Top 3 tips to effective workplace digital signage content strategy

Digital Signage Content Strategy

Digital signage Content Strategy will help with the impact

Updated 23.10.2020

In this post we will share our top three actionable tips of how to build a content strategy for workplace digital signage that drives success.

These are the first steps you need to know to create the plan to maximise the impact AND to avoid one of the key issues to the failure. Read this guide to learn:

  • How to make sure that we will be successful with the implementation?
  • How can we manage the content update process in the long run with our resources?
  • How to avoid the number one mistake companies have previously made with workplace digital signage?

We will touch on these topics in this blog. Keep reading to learn more 

So, let’s dive right in.

Follow these easy three steps, including actionable tips to successful content strategy planning, before even thinking about buying or installing screens.

Step #1. Maximize the impact – start with the audience and objectives

Audience first

The right messages need to be delivered to the right audiences. This requires identifying the target audience groups and knowing your audience.

Ask yourself:

  • Who are we doing this for?
  • Who is our target audience? 

You might think that, yes we know our employees – that’s our audience. But take a deeper look and identify different target groups – different operational teams, white collar or blue collar workers, executive team and so on.

Objectives second

You can start by answering the question “Why are we doing this?”. Some are looking into reaching the non desk workers in better ways, while others are driving transparency and sharing information between business units to break silos.

Pro TIP We have written more about the typical use cases for digital signage in employee communication. We have also collected further links to more content to inspire and provoke thoughts.

This articles can help you to identify the main drivers for your investment. Click the link below to read further:

Top How To Guides to Workplace Digital Signage

“It should be the foundation of the content strategy to link Digital Signage use cases to support key business priorities.” – Tomi Paajanen, Valotalive

Pro TIP  – Remember to document:

  • Document your key objectives for the digital signage investment
  • Describe your target audience briefly.

–> Documenting will help your planning. You can also always come back to these topics later to recheck, update your plans and to evaluate your progress.

Step #2. Plan to automate as much content updates as possible to succeed

Do more with less

One of the challenges that communication & HR professionals have encountered with digital signage is how to keep up with the need for producing new content updates to stay relevant for the target audiences.

Pro TIP Plan to automate as much content updates to digital signage as possible to ensure success.

Ask yourself:

  • Who will be responsible from our team to update all the content?
  • How much time and effort do we have for the updates?

–> Plan to automate as much as possible or even everything.

But how can we do this?

Content planning will help in doing more with less.

One of the dominant factors for success in workplace digital signage usage has been the ability to automate all or most content updates to keep the displays alive and engaging. There are apps that connect your digital signage displays with the tools that you already use to post content.

We have seen that one of the dominant factors for success in workplace digital signage usage has been the ability to automate all or most content updates to keep the displays alive and engaging.

How to automate content? – as an example:

  • Engage employees with the content in business’s social media channels
  • Promote the news in your intranet by highlighting the latest topics on digital signage screens.
  • Share the latest Press Releases from your media monitoring tools such as Cision or Meltwater 

“Simply put, automation means repurposing the great content you already have.” – Katariina Luukkanen, Customer Success Manager, Valotalive

All the relevant content already exists in different business applications, there’s no need to publish it twice.

Avoid this risk for failure

The number one reason why customers have previously failed with digital signage in the workplace has been the laborious manual content management. You can not rely on updating all content manually. It is impossible to stay relevant with just manual updates. 

Step #3. Use “Extremely up-to-date information”

How to grab and maintain the attention of the audience? The main challenge for anyone operating Digital Signage is Display Blindness.  Dr. Jörg Muller, in his research, has described this as follows:

“Similar to the effect of Banner Blindness on the Web, displays for which users expect uninteresting content (e.g. advertisements) are often ignored.” Dr. Jörg Muller

The key to success is to display relevant and engaging content. Relevant in this context means what is meaningful for me at that moment.

There are content services to use in making sure there are up to date information on at all times:

“If people are to be expected to put up with turning on a computer to read a screen, they must be rewarded with deep and extremely up-to-date information that they can explore at will…”, are some of the words from Mr. Gates’ article.

TIP Keep it relevant and up to date.

Ask yourself:

  • What are the messages that we’d like to get through?
  • What is the information that would benefit the local target audiences? 

Relevant in this context means what is meaningful for the target audience at that moment. 

Keeping your audience in mind think how you can add value to their daily operations. Combine live KPIs with relevant work and off-work related news.

Digital Signage Content Strategy recap:

  1. Identify your Audience and business drivers first
  2. Plan to automate most or all content updates to avoid extra work 
  3. Stay relevant – use up to date information – connect with the tools that you use

Ready to take your workplace digital signage to next level? Start your FREE 14-day trial with Valotalive today

Further reading:

How Internal Communications with Digital Signage Boosts Team Alignment

How to share your Power BI Dashboards and Reports on digital signage?

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